Abstract presentation
Scientific contributions
English will be the official language of the workshop. Contributed presentations will be published as abstracts in a dedicated abstract book that will be available to delegates and online (click here).
The time of the abstract presentations is assigned as follows:
15 minutes (indicatively 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for setup and discussion)
10 minutes (indicatively 8 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for setup and discussion)
5 minutes (indicatively 4 minutes for the presentation and 1 minute for setup and one question)
The presentation language is English
Microsoft PowerPoint for MS Windows (*.ppt or .pptx) will be used for presentations
Presentations should have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (wide screen)
Only fonts included in the basic installation of MS-Windows 10 (English version) will be available; some examples of the most common fonts are: Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Times New Roman, Verdana. The use of fonts not included in Windows 10 can cause the wrong formatting of your presentation
It is highly recommended to send the file of your presentation by e-mail to: ipwg2007@gmail.com before 24 January 2024. If this is not possible, you must give the file to the technician in the workshop room with an USB flash drive during the break proceeding your assigned session at the latest. In case you sent the presentation by e-mail, please bring a copy on a storage device as backup
Workshop organisers will load all the presentations on the computer that is used in the conference room. Presenters will NOT be allowed to use their own laptops. Apple computers will NOT be available; if you are using a Macintosh system, please test your presentation on a computer running Microsoft Windows. Speakers will operate the slides themselves
The presentation file should be named as: FD2024_<session n.>_<Presenter suname>
For example: FD2024_session1_Bové.ppt